
  OS : CentOS7



  按照官方步骤进行安装,比官方手册中多了zabbix-java-gateway,此处留档备份。  https://www.zabbix.com/download

  Install and configure Zabbix server

    # rpm -i https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/3.4/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-3.4-2.el7.noarch.rpm

  Install Zabbix server, frontend, agent

    # yum install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-agent zabbix-java-gateway

  Create initial database

    # mysql -uroot -p
    mysql> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
    mysql> grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by ‘password’;
    mysql> quit;

  Configure the database for Zabbix server

    Edit file /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf, uncomment and set the right timezone for you.

    # php_value date.timezone Asia/Shanghai  //此处修改为亚洲/上海

  Start Zabbix server and agent processes

    Start Zabbix server and agent processes and make it start at system boot:

    # systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd
    # systemctl enable zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd


  Connect to your newly installed Zabbix frontend: http://server_ip_or_name/zabbix 
  Follow steps described in Zabbix documentation: Installing frontend



    The default user name is Admin, password zabbix.

zabbix-server zabbix-java-gateway与zabbix-agent在不同服务器,我的配置文件如下:


  1 # This is a configuration file for Zabbix server daemon
  2 # To get more information about Zabbix, visit http://www.zabbix.com
  4 ############ GENERAL PARAMETERS #################
  6 ### Option: ListenPort
  7 #    Listen port for trapper.
  8 #
  9 # Mandatory: no
 10 # Range: 1024-32767
 11 # Default:
 12 # ListenPort=10051
 14 ### Option: SourceIP
 15 #    Source IP address for outgoing connections.
 16 #
 17 # Mandatory: no
 18 # Default:
 19 # SourceIP=
 21 ### Option: LogType
 22 #    Specifies where log messages are written to:
 23 #        system  - syslog
 24 #        file    - file specified with LogFile parameter
 25 #        console - standard output
 26 #
 27 # Mandatory: no
 28 # Default:
 29 # LogType=file
 31 ### Option: LogFile
 32 #    Log file name for LogType 'file' parameter.
 33 #
 34 # Mandatory: no
 35 # Default:
 36 # LogFile=
 38 LogFile=/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
 40 ### Option: LogFileSize
 41 #    Maximum size of log file in MB.
 42 #    0 - disable automatic log rotation.
 43 #
 44 # Mandatory: no
 45 # Range: 0-1024
 46 # Default:
 47 # LogFileSize=1
 49 LogFileSize=0
 51 ### Option: DebugLevel
 52 #    Specifies debug level:
 53 #    0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes
 54 #    1 - critical information
 55 #    2 - error information
 56 #    3 - warnings
 57 #    4 - for debugging (produces lots of information)
 58 #    5 - extended debugging (produces even more information)
 59 #
 60 # Mandatory: no
 61 # Range: 0-5
 62 # Default:
 63 # DebugLevel=3
 65 ### Option: PidFile
 66 #    Name of PID file.
 67 #
 68 # Mandatory: no
 69 # Default:
 70 # PidFile=/tmp/zabbix_server.pid
 72 PidFile=/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid
 74 ### Option: SocketDir
 75 #    IPC socket directory.
 76 #       Directory to store IPC sockets used by internal Zabbix services.
 77 #
 78 # Mandatory: no
 79 # Default:
 80 # SocketDir=/tmp
 82 SocketDir=/var/run/zabbix
 84 ### Option: DBHost
 85 #    Database host name.
 86 #    If set to localhost, socket is used for MySQL.
 87 #    If set to empty string, socket is used for PostgreSQL.
 88 #
 89 # Mandatory: no
 90 # Default:
 91 # DBHost=localhost
 93 ### Option: DBName
 94 #    Database name.
 95 #    For SQLite3 path to database file must be provided. DBUser and DBPassword are ignored.
 96 #
 97 # Mandatory: yes
 98 # Default:
 99 # DBName=
101 DBName=zabbix
103 ### Option: DBSchema
104 #    Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL.
105 #
106 # Mandatory: no
107 # Default:
108 # DBSchema=
110 ### Option: DBUser
111 #    Database user. Ignored for SQLite.
112 #
113 # Mandatory: no
114 # Default:
115 # DBUser=
117 DBUser=zabbix
119 ### Option: DBPassword
120 #    Database password. Ignored for SQLite.
121 #    Comment this line if no password is used.
122 #
123 # Mandatory: no
124 # Default:
125 # DBPassword=
126 DBPassword=123456
128 ### Option: DBSocket
129 #    Path to MySQL socket.
130 #
131 # Mandatory: no
132 # Default:
133 # DBSocket=/tmp/mysql.sock
135 ### Option: DBPort
136 #    Database port when not using local socket. Ignored for SQLite.
137 #
138 # Mandatory: no
139 # Range: 1024-65535
140 # Default (for MySQL):
141 # DBPort=3306
143 ### Option: HistoryStorageURL
144 #    History storage HTTP[S] URL.
145 #
146 # Mandatory: no
147 # Default:
148 # HistoryStorageURL=
150 ### Option: HistoryStorageTypes
151 #    Comma separated list of value types to be sent to the history storage.
152 #
153 # Mandatory: no
154 # Default:
155 # HistoryStorageTypes=uint,dbl,str,log,text
157 ############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS ################
159 ### Option: StartPollers
160 #    Number of pre-forked instances of pollers.
161 #
162 # Mandatory: no
163 # Range: 0-1000
164 # Default:
165 # StartPollers=5
167 ### Option: StartIPMIPollers
168 #    Number of pre-forked instances of IPMI pollers.
169 #       The IPMI manager process is automatically started when at least one IPMI poller is started.
170 #
171 # Mandatory: no
172 # Range: 0-1000
173 # Default:
174 # StartIPMIPollers=0
176 ### Option: StartPreprocessors
177 #    Number of pre-forked instances of preprocessing workers.
178 #       The preprocessing manager process is automatically started when preprocessor worker is started.
179 #
180 # Mandatory: no
181 # Range: 1-1000
182 # Default:
183 # StartPreprocessors=3
185 ### Option: StartPollersUnreachable
186 #    Number of pre-forked instances of pollers for unreachable hosts (including IPMI and Java).
187 #    At least one poller for unreachable hosts must be running if regular, IPMI or Java pollers
188 #    are started.
189 #
190 # Mandatory: no
191 # Range: 0-1000
192 # Default:
193 # StartPollersUnreachable=1
195 ### Option: StartTrappers
196 #    Number of pre-forked instances of trappers.
197 #    Trappers accept incoming connections from Zabbix sender, active agents and active proxies.
198 #    At least one trapper process must be running to display server availability and view queue
199 #    in the frontend.
200 #
201 # Mandatory: no
202 # Range: 0-1000
203 # Default:
204 # StartTrappers=5
206 ### Option: StartPingers
207 #    Number of pre-forked instances of ICMP pingers.
208 #
209 # Mandatory: no
210 # Range: 0-1000
211 # Default:
212 # StartPingers=1
214 ### Option: StartDiscoverers
215 #    Number of pre-forked instances of discoverers.
216 #
217 # Mandatory: no
218 # Range: 0-250
219 # Default:
220 # StartDiscoverers=1
222 ### Option: StartHTTPPollers
223 #    Number of pre-forked instances of HTTP pollers.
224 #
225 # Mandatory: no
226 # Range: 0-1000
227 # Default:
228 # StartHTTPPollers=1
230 ### Option: StartTimers
231 #    Number of pre-forked instances of timers.
232 #    Timers process time-based trigger functions and maintenance periods.
233 #    Only the first timer process handles the maintenance periods.
234 #
235 # Mandatory: no
236 # Range: 1-1000
237 # Default:
238 # StartTimers=1
240 ### Option: StartEscalators
241 #    Number of pre-forked instances of escalators.
242 #
243 # Mandatory: no
244 # Range: 0-100
245 # Default:
246 # StartEscalators=1
248 ### Option: StartAlerters
249 #    Number of pre-forked instances of alerters.
250 #    Alerters send the notifications created by action operations.
251 #
252 # Mandatory: no
253 # Range: 0-100
254 # Default:
255 # StartAlerters=3
257 ### Option: JavaGateway
258 #    IP address (or hostname) of Zabbix Java gateway.
259 #    Only required if Java pollers are started.
260 #
261 # Mandatory: no
262 # Default:
263 # JavaGateway=
264 JavaGateway=
266 ### Option: JavaGatewayPort
267 #    Port that Zabbix Java gateway listens on.
268 #
269 # Mandatory: no
270 # Range: 1024-32767
271 # Default:
272 # JavaGatewayPort=10052
273 JavaGatewayPort=10052
275 ### Option: StartJavaPollers
276 #    Number of pre-forked instances of Java pollers.
277 #
278 # Mandatory: no
279 # Range: 0-1000
280 # Default:
281 # StartJavaPollers=0
282 StartJavaPollers=5
284 ### Option: StartVMwareCollectors
285 #    Number of pre-forked vmware collector instances.
286 #
287 # Mandatory: no
288 # Range: 0-250
289 # Default:
290 # StartVMwareCollectors=0
292 ### Option: VMwareFrequency
293 #    How often Zabbix will connect to VMware service to obtain a new data.
294 #
295 # Mandatory: no
296 # Range: 10-86400
297 # Default:
298 # VMwareFrequency=60
300 ### Option: VMwarePerfFrequency
301 #    How often Zabbix will connect to VMware service to obtain performance data.
302 #
303 # Mandatory: no
304 # Range: 10-86400
305 # Default:
306 # VMwarePerfFrequency=60
308 ### Option: VMwareCacheSize
309 #    Size of VMware cache, in bytes.
310 #    Shared memory size for storing VMware data.
311 #    Only used if VMware collectors are started.
312 #
313 # Mandatory: no
314 # Range: 256K-2G
315 # Default:
316 # VMwareCacheSize=8M
318 ### Option: VMwareTimeout
319 #    Specifies how many seconds vmware collector waits for response from VMware service.
320 #
321 # Mandatory: no
322 # Range: 1-300
323 # Default:
324 # VMwareTimeout=10
326 ### Option: SNMPTrapperFile
327 #    Temporary file used for passing data from SNMP trap daemon to the server.
328 #    Must be the same as in zabbix_trap_receiver.pl or SNMPTT configuration file.
329 #
330 # Mandatory: no
331 # Default:
332 # SNMPTrapperFile=/tmp/zabbix_traps.tmp
334 SNMPTrapperFile=/var/log/snmptrap/snmptrap.log
336 ### Option: StartSNMPTrapper
337 #    If 1, SNMP trapper process is started.
338 #
339 # Mandatory: no
340 # Range: 0-1
341 # Default:
342 # StartSNMPTrapper=0
344 ### Option: ListenIP
345 #    List of comma delimited IP addresses that the trapper should listen on.
346 #    Trapper will listen on all network interfaces if this parameter is missing.
347 #
348 # Mandatory: no
349 # Default:
350 # ListenIP=
352 # ListenIP=
354 ### Option: HousekeepingFrequency
355 #    How often Zabbix will perform housekeeping procedure (in hours).
356 #    Housekeeping is removing outdated information from the database.
357 #    To prevent Housekeeper from being overloaded, no more than 4 times HousekeepingFrequency
358 #    hours of outdated information are deleted in one housekeeping cycle, for each item.
359 #    To lower load on server startup housekeeping is postponed for 30 minutes after server start.
360 #    With HousekeepingFrequency=0 the housekeeper can be only executed using the runtime control option.
361 #    In this case the period of outdated information deleted in one housekeeping cycle is 4 times the
362 #    period since the last housekeeping cycle, but not less than 4 hours and not greater than 4 days.
363 #
364 # Mandatory: no
365 # Range: 0-24
366 # Default:
367 # HousekeepingFrequency=1
369 ### Option: MaxHousekeeperDelete
370 #    The table "housekeeper" contains "tasks" for housekeeping procedure in the format:
371 #    [housekeeperid], [tablename], [field], [value].
372 #    No more than 'MaxHousekeeperDelete' rows (corresponding to [tablename], [field], [value])
373 #    will be deleted per one task in one housekeeping cycle.
374 #    SQLite3 does not use this parameter, deletes all corresponding rows without a limit.
375 #    If set to 0 then no limit is used at all. In this case you must know what you are doing!
376 #
377 # Mandatory: no
378 # Range: 0-1000000
379 # Default:
380 # MaxHousekeeperDelete=5000
382 ### Option: CacheSize
383 #    Size of configuration cache, in bytes.
384 #    Shared memory size for storing host, item and trigger data.
385 #
386 # Mandatory: no
387 # Range: 128K-8G
388 # Default:
389 # CacheSize=8M
391 ### Option: CacheUpdateFrequency
392 #    How often Zabbix will perform update of configuration cache, in seconds.
393 #
394 # Mandatory: no
395 # Range: 1-3600
396 # Default:
397 # CacheUpdateFrequency=60
399 ### Option: StartDBSyncers
400 #    Number of pre-forked instances of DB Syncers.
401 #
402 # Mandatory: no
403 # Range: 1-100
404 # Default:
405 # StartDBSyncers=4
407 ### Option: HistoryCacheSize
408 #    Size of history cache, in bytes.
409 #    Shared memory size for storing history data.
410 #
411 # Mandatory: no
412 # Range: 128K-2G
413 # Default:
414 # HistoryCacheSize=16M
416 ### Option: HistoryIndexCacheSize
417 #    Size of history index cache, in bytes.
418 #    Shared memory size for indexing history cache.
419 #
420 # Mandatory: no
421 # Range: 128K-2G
422 # Default:
423 # HistoryIndexCacheSize=4M
425 ### Option: TrendCacheSize
426 #    Size of trend cache, in bytes.
427 #    Shared memory size for storing trends data.
428 #
429 # Mandatory: no
430 # Range: 128K-2G
431 # Default:
432 # TrendCacheSize=4M
434 ### Option: ValueCacheSize
435 #    Size of history value cache, in bytes.
436 #    Shared memory size for caching item history data requests.
437 #    Setting to 0 disables value cache.
438 #
439 # Mandatory: no
440 # Range: 0,128K-64G
441 # Default:
442 # ValueCacheSize=8M
444 ### Option: Timeout
445 #    Specifies how long we wait for agent, SNMP device or external check (in seconds).
446 #
447 # Mandatory: no
448 # Range: 1-30
449 # Default:
450 # Timeout=3
452 Timeout=4
454 ### Option: TrapperTimeout
455 #    Specifies how many seconds trapper may spend processing new data.
456 #
457 # Mandatory: no
458 # Range: 1-300
459 # Default:
460 # TrapperTimeout=300
462 ### Option: UnreachablePeriod
463 #    After how many seconds of unreachability treat a host as unavailable.
464 #
465 # Mandatory: no
466 # Range: 1-3600
467 # Default:
468 # UnreachablePeriod=45
470 ### Option: UnavailableDelay
471 #    How often host is checked for availability during the unavailability period, in seconds.
472 #
473 # Mandatory: no
474 # Range: 1-3600
475 # Default:
476 # UnavailableDelay=60
478 ### Option: UnreachableDelay
479 #    How often host is checked for availability during the unreachability period, in seconds.
480 #
481 # Mandatory: no
482 # Range: 1-3600
483 # Default:
484 # UnreachableDelay=15
486 ### Option: AlertScriptsPath
487 #    Full path to location of custom alert scripts.
488 #    Default depends on compilation options.
489 #
490 # Mandatory: no
491 # Default:
492 # AlertScriptsPath=${datadir}/zabbix/alertscripts
494 AlertScriptsPath=/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts
496 ### Option: ExternalScripts
497 #    Full path to location of external scripts.
498 #    Default depends on compilation options.
499 #
500 # Mandatory: no
501 # Default:
502 # ExternalScripts=${datadir}/zabbix/externalscripts
504 ExternalScripts=/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
506 ### Option: FpingLocation
507 #    Location of fping.
508 #    Make sure that fping binary has root ownership and SUID flag set.
509 #
510 # Mandatory: no
511 # Default:
512 # FpingLocation=/usr/sbin/fping
514 ### Option: Fping6Location
515 #    Location of fping6.
516 #    Make sure that fping6 binary has root ownership and SUID flag set.
517 #    Make empty if your fping utility is capable to process IPv6 addresses.
518 #
519 # Mandatory: no
520 # Default:
521 # Fping6Location=/usr/sbin/fping6
523 ### Option: SSHKeyLocation
524 #    Location of public and private keys for SSH checks and actions.
525 #
526 # Mandatory: no
527 # Default:
528 # SSHKeyLocation=
530 ### Option: LogSlowQueries
531 #    How long a database query may take before being logged (in milliseconds).
532 #    Only works if DebugLevel set to 3, 4 or 5.
533 #    0 - don't log slow queries.
534 #
535 # Mandatory: no
536 # Range: 1-3600000
537 # Default:
538 # LogSlowQueries=0
540 LogSlowQueries=3000
542 ### Option: TmpDir
543 #    Temporary directory.
544 #
545 # Mandatory: no
546 # Default:
547 # TmpDir=/tmp
549 ### Option: StartProxyPollers
550 #    Number of pre-forked instances of pollers for passive proxies.
551 #
552 # Mandatory: no
553 # Range: 0-250
554 # Default:
555 # StartProxyPollers=1
557 ### Option: ProxyConfigFrequency
558 #    How often Zabbix Server sends configuration data to a Zabbix Proxy in seconds.
559 #    This parameter is used only for proxies in the passive mode.
560 #
561 # Mandatory: no
562 # Range: 1-3600*24*7
563 # Default:
564 # ProxyConfigFrequency=3600
566 ### Option: ProxyDataFrequency
567 #    How often Zabbix Server requests history data from a Zabbix Proxy in seconds.
568 #    This parameter is used only for proxies in the passive mode.
569 #
570 # Mandatory: no
571 # Range: 1-3600
572 # Default:
573 # ProxyDataFrequency=1
575 ### Option: AllowRoot
576 #    Allow the server to run as 'root'. If disabled and the server is started by 'root', the server
577 #    will try to switch to the user specified by the User configuration option instead.
578 #    Has no effect if started under a regular user.
579 #    0 - do not allow
580 #    1 - allow
581 #
582 # Mandatory: no
583 # Default:
584 # AllowRoot=0
586 ### Option: User
587 #    Drop privileges to a specific, existing user on the system.
588 #    Only has effect if run as 'root' and AllowRoot is disabled.
589 #
590 # Mandatory: no
591 # Default:
592 # User=zabbix
594 ### Option: Include
595 #    You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.
596 #    Installing Zabbix will create include directory in /usr/local/etc, unless modified during the compile time.
597 #
598 # Mandatory: no
599 # Default:
600 # Include=
602 # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.general.conf
603 # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf.d/
604 # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf.d/*.conf
606 ### Option: SSLCertLocation
607 #    Location of SSL client certificates.
608 #    This parameter is used only in web monitoring.
609 #
610 # Mandatory: no
611 # Default:
612 # SSLCertLocation=${datadir}/zabbix/ssl/certs
614 ### Option: SSLKeyLocation
615 #    Location of private keys for SSL client certificates.
616 #    This parameter is used only in web monitoring.
617 #
618 # Mandatory: no
619 # Default:
620 # SSLKeyLocation=${datadir}/zabbix/ssl/keys
622 ### Option: SSLCALocation
623 #    Override the location of certificate authority (CA) files for SSL server certificate verification.
624 #    If not set, system-wide directory will be used.
625 #    This parameter is used only in web monitoring and SMTP authentication.
626 #
627 # Mandatory: no
628 # Default:
629 # SSLCALocation=
631 ####### LOADABLE MODULES #######
633 ### Option: LoadModulePath
634 #    Full path to location of server modules.
635 #    Default depends on compilation options.
636 #
637 # Mandatory: no
638 # Default:
639 # LoadModulePath=${libdir}/modules
641 ### Option: LoadModule
642 #    Module to load at server startup. Modules are used to extend functionality of the server.
643 #    Format: LoadModule=<module.so>
644 #    The modules must be located in directory specified by LoadModulePath.
645 #    It is allowed to include multiple LoadModule parameters.
646 #
647 # Mandatory: no
648 # Default:
649 # LoadModule=
651 ####### TLS-RELATED PARAMETERS #######
653 ### Option: TLSCAFile
654 #    Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for
655 #    peer certificate verification.
656 #
657 # Mandatory: no
658 # Default:
659 # TLSCAFile=
661 ### Option: TLSCRLFile
662 #    Full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates.
663 #
664 # Mandatory: no
665 # Default:
666 # TLSCRLFile=
668 ### Option: TLSCertFile
669 #    Full pathname of a file containing the server certificate or certificate chain.
670 #
671 # Mandatory: no
672 # Default:
673 # TLSCertFile=
675 ### Option: TLSKeyFile
676 #    Full pathname of a file containing the server private key.
677 #
678 # Mandatory: no
679 # Default:
680 # TLSKeyFile=


  1 # This is a configuration file for Zabbix agent daemon (Unix)
  2 # To get more information about Zabbix, visit http://www.zabbix.com
  4 ############ GENERAL PARAMETERS #################
  6 ### Option: PidFile
  7 #    Name of PID file.
  8 #
  9 # Mandatory: no
 10 # Default:
 11 # PidFile=/tmp/zabbix_agentd.pid
 13 PidFile=/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.pid
 15 ### Option: LogType
 16 #    Specifies where log messages are written to:
 17 #        system  - syslog
 18 #        file    - file specified with LogFile parameter
 19 #        console - standard output
 20 #
 21 # Mandatory: no
 22 # Default:
 23 # LogType=file
 25 ### Option: LogFile
 26 #    Log file name for LogType 'file' parameter.
 27 #
 28 # Mandatory: no
 29 # Default:
 30 # LogFile=
 32 LogFile=/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log
 34 ### Option: LogFileSize
 35 #    Maximum size of log file in MB.
 36 #    0 - disable automatic log rotation.
 37 #
 38 # Mandatory: no
 39 # Range: 0-1024
 40 # Default:
 41 # LogFileSize=1
 43 LogFileSize=0
 45 ### Option: DebugLevel
 46 #    Specifies debug level:
 47 #    0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes
 48 #    1 - critical information
 49 #    2 - error information
 50 #    3 - warnings
 51 #    4 - for debugging (produces lots of information)
 52 #    5 - extended debugging (produces even more information)
 53 #
 54 # Mandatory: no
 55 # Range: 0-5
 56 # Default:
 57 # DebugLevel=3
 59 ### Option: SourceIP
 60 #    Source IP address for outgoing connections.
 61 #
 62 # Mandatory: no
 63 # Default:
 64 # SourceIP=
 66 ### Option: EnableRemoteCommands
 67 #    Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed.
 68 #    0 - not allowed
 69 #    1 - allowed
 70 #
 71 # Mandatory: no
 72 # Default:
 73 # EnableRemoteCommands=0
 75 ### Option: LogRemoteCommands
 76 #    Enable logging of executed shell commands as warnings.
 77 #    0 - disabled
 78 #    1 - enabled
 79 #
 80 # Mandatory: no
 81 # Default:
 82 # LogRemoteCommands=0
 84 ##### Passive checks related
 86 ### Option: Server
 87 #    List of comma delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or hostnames of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies.
 88 #    Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.
 89 #    If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally and '::/0' will allow any IPv4 or IPv6 address.
 90 #    '' can be used to allow any IPv4 address.
 91 #    Example: Server=,,::1,2001:db8::/32,zabbix.domain
 92 #
 93 # Mandatory: yes, if StartAgents is not explicitly set to 0
 94 # Default:
 95 # Server=
 97 #Server=
 98 Server=
100 ### Option: ListenPort
101 #    Agent will listen on this port for connections from the server.
102 #
103 # Mandatory: no
104 # Range: 1024-32767
105 # Default:
106 # ListenPort=10050
108 ### Option: ListenIP
109 #    List of comma delimited IP addresses that the agent should listen on.
110 #    First IP address is sent to Zabbix server if connecting to it to retrieve list of active checks.
111 #
112 # Mandatory: no
113 # Default:
114 # ListenIP=
116 ### Option: StartAgents
117 #    Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks.
118 #    If set to 0, disables passive checks and the agent will not listen on any TCP port.
119 #
120 # Mandatory: no
121 # Range: 0-100
122 # Default:
123 # StartAgents=3
125 ##### Active checks related
127 ### Option: ServerActive
128 #    List of comma delimited IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies for active checks.
129 #    If port is not specified, default port is used.
130 #    IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified.
131 #    If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional.
132 #    If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.
133 #    Example: ServerActive=,zabbix.domain,[::1]:30051,::1,[12fc::1]
134 #
135 # Mandatory: no
136 # Default:
137 # ServerActive=
139 #ServerActive=
140 ServerActive=
142 ### Option: Hostname
143 #    Unique, case sensitive hostname.
144 #    Required for active checks and must match hostname as configured on the server.
145 #    Value is acquired from HostnameItem if undefined.
146 #
147 # Mandatory: no
148 # Default:
149 # Hostname=
151 Hostname=mysqlClone
153 ### Option: HostnameItem
154 #    Item used for generating Hostname if it is undefined. Ignored if Hostname is defined.
155 #    Does not support UserParameters or aliases.
156 #
157 # Mandatory: no
158 # Default:
159 # HostnameItem=system.hostname
161 ### Option: HostMetadata
162 #    Optional parameter that defines host metadata.
163 #    Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process.
164 #    An agent will issue an error and not start if the value is over limit of 255 characters.
165 #    If not defined, value will be acquired from HostMetadataItem.
166 #
167 # Mandatory: no
168 # Range: 0-255 characters
169 # Default:
170 # HostMetadata=
172 ### Option: HostMetadataItem
173 #    Optional parameter that defines an item used for getting host metadata.
174 #    Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process.
175 #    During an auto-registration request an agent will log a warning message if
176 #    the value returned by specified item is over limit of 255 characters.
177 #    This option is only used when HostMetadata is not defined.
178 #
179 # Mandatory: no
180 # Default:
181 # HostMetadataItem=
183 ### Option: RefreshActiveChecks
184 #    How often list of active checks is refreshed, in seconds.
185 #
186 # Mandatory: no
187 # Range: 60-3600
188 # Default:
189 # RefreshActiveChecks=120
191 ### Option: BufferSend
192 #    Do not keep data longer than N seconds in buffer.
193 #
194 # Mandatory: no
195 # Range: 1-3600
196 # Default:
197 # BufferSend=5
199 ### Option: BufferSize
200 #    Maximum number of values in a memory buffer. The agent will send
201 #    all collected data to Zabbix Server or Proxy if the buffer is full.
202 #
203 # Mandatory: no
204 # Range: 2-65535
205 # Default:
206 # BufferSize=100
208 ### Option: MaxLinesPerSecond
209 #    Maximum number of new lines the agent will send per second to Zabbix Server
210 #    or Proxy processing 'log' and 'logrt' active checks.
211 #    The provided value will be overridden by the parameter 'maxlines',
212 #    provided in 'log' or 'logrt' item keys.
213 #
214 # Mandatory: no
215 # Range: 1-1000
216 # Default:
217 # MaxLinesPerSecond=20
219 ############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS #################
221 ### Option: Alias
222 #    Sets an alias for an item key. It can be used to substitute long and complex item key with a smaller and simpler one.
223 #    Multiple Alias parameters may be present. Multiple parameters with the same Alias key are not allowed.
224 #    Different Alias keys may reference the same item key.
225 #    For example, to retrieve the ID of user 'zabbix':
226 #    Alias=zabbix.userid:vfs.file.regexp[/etc/passwd,^zabbix:.:([0-9]+),,,,\1]
227 #    Now shorthand key zabbix.userid may be used to retrieve data.
228 #    Aliases can be used in HostMetadataItem but not in HostnameItem parameters.
229 #
230 # Mandatory: no
231 # Range:
232 # Default:
234 ### Option: Timeout
235 #    Spend no more than Timeout seconds on processing
236 #
237 # Mandatory: no
238 # Range: 1-30
239 # Default:
240 # Timeout=3
242 ### Option: AllowRoot
243 #    Allow the agent to run as 'root'. If disabled and the agent is started by 'root', the agent
244 #    will try to switch to the user specified by the User configuration option instead.
245 #    Has no effect if started under a regular user.
246 #    0 - do not allow
247 #    1 - allow
248 #
249 # Mandatory: no
250 # Default:
251 # AllowRoot=0
253 ### Option: User
254 #    Drop privileges to a specific, existing user on the system.
255 #    Only has effect if run as 'root' and AllowRoot is disabled.
256 #
257 # Mandatory: no
258 # Default:
259 # User=zabbix
261 ### Option: Include
262 #    You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.
263 #    Installing Zabbix will create include directory in /usr/local/etc, unless modified during the compile time.
264 #
265 # Mandatory: no
266 # Default:
267 # Include=
269 Include=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/*.conf
271 # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf
272 # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/
273 # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/*.conf
277 ### Option: UnsafeUserParameters
278 #    Allow all characters to be passed in arguments to user-defined parameters.
279 #    The following characters are not allowed:
280 #    \ ' " ` * ? [ ] { } ~ $ ! & ; ( ) < > | # @
281 #    Additionally, newline characters are not allowed.
282 #    0 - do not allow
283 #    1 - allow
284 #
285 # Mandatory: no
286 # Range: 0-1
287 # Default:
288 # UnsafeUserParameters=0
289 UnsafeUserParameters=1
291 ### Option: UserParameter
292 #    User-defined parameter to monitor. There can be several user-defined parameters.
293 #    Format: UserParameter=<key>,<shell command>
294 #    See 'zabbix_agentd' directory for examples.
295 #
296 # Mandatory: no
297 # Default:
298 # UserParameter=
300 ####### LOADABLE MODULES #######
302 ### Option: LoadModulePath
303 #    Full path to location of agent modules.
304 #    Default depends on compilation options.
305 #
306 # Mandatory: no
307 # Default:
308 # LoadModulePath=${libdir}/modules
310 ### Option: LoadModule
311 #    Module to load at agent startup. Modules are used to extend functionality of the agent.
312 #    Format: LoadModule=<module.so>
313 #    The modules must be located in directory specified by LoadModulePath.
314 #    It is allowed to include multiple LoadModule parameters.
315 #
316 # Mandatory: no
317 # Default:
318 # LoadModule=
320 ####### TLS-RELATED PARAMETERS #######
322 ### Option: TLSConnect
323 #    How the agent should connect to server or proxy. Used for active checks.
324 #    Only one value can be specified:
325 #        unencrypted - connect without encryption
326 #        psk         - connect using TLS and a pre-shared key
327 #        cert        - connect using TLS and a certificate
328 #
329 # Mandatory: yes, if TLS certificate or PSK parameters are defined (even for 'unencrypted' connection)
330 # Default:
331 # TLSConnect=unencrypted
333 ### Option: TLSAccept
334 #    What incoming connections to accept.
335 #    Multiple values can be specified, separated by comma:
336 #        unencrypted - accept connections without encryption
337 #        psk         - accept connections secured with TLS and a pre-shared key
338 #        cert        - accept connections secured with TLS and a certificate
339 #
340 # Mandatory: yes, if TLS certificate or PSK parameters are defined (even for 'unencrypted' connection)
341 # Default:
342 # TLSAccept=unencrypted
344 ### Option: TLSCAFile
345 #    Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for
346 #    peer certificate verification.
347 #
348 # Mandatory: no
349 # Default:
350 # TLSCAFile=
352 ### Option: TLSCRLFile
353 #    Full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates.
354 #
355 # Mandatory: no
356 # Default:
357 # TLSCRLFile=
359 ### Option: TLSServerCertIssuer
360 #      Allowed server certificate issuer.
361 #
362 # Mandatory: no
363 # Default:
364 # TLSServerCertIssuer=
366 ### Option: TLSServerCertSubject
367 #      Allowed server certificate subject.
368 #
369 # Mandatory: no
370 # Default:
371 # TLSServerCertSubject=
373 ### Option: TLSCertFile
374 #    Full pathname of a file containing the agent certificate or certificate chain.
375 #
376 # Mandatory: no
377 # Default:
378 # TLSCertFile=
380 ### Option: TLSKeyFile
381 #    Full pathname of a file containing the agent private key.
382 #
383 # Mandatory: no
384 # Default:
385 # TLSKeyFile=
387 ### Option: TLSPSKIdentity
388 #    Unique, case sensitive string used to identify the pre-shared key.
389 #
390 # Mandatory: no
391 # Default:
392 # TLSPSKIdentity=
394 ### Option: TLSPSKFile
395 #    Full pathname of a file containing the pre-shared key.
396 #
397 # Mandatory: no
398 # Default:
399 # TLSPSKFile=
401 #UserParameter=mysql.version,mysql -V
402 #UserParameter=mysql.status[*],/etc/zabbix/script/mysql/chk_mysql.sh $1
403 #UserParameter=mysql.ping,mysqladmin -u mysqlcheck -p123456 -P3306 -h127.0.0.1  ping | grep -c alive


 1 # This is a configuration file for Zabbix Java Gateway.
 2 # It is sourced by startup.sh and shutdown.sh scripts.
 4 ### Option: zabbix.listenIP
 5 #    IP address to listen on.
 6 #
 7 # Mandatory: no
 8 # Default:
 9 # LISTEN_IP=""
12 ### Option: zabbix.listenPort
13 #    Port to listen on.
14 #
15 # Mandatory: no
16 # Range: 1024-32767
17 # Default:
18 # LISTEN_PORT=10052
19 LISTEN_PORT=10052
21 ### Option: zabbix.pidFile
22 #    Name of PID file.
23 #    If omitted, Zabbix Java Gateway is started as a console application.
24 #
25 # Mandatory: no
26 # Default:
27 # PID_FILE=
29 PID_FILE="/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_java.pid"
31 ### Option: zabbix.startPollers
32 #    Number of worker threads to start.
33 #
34 # Mandatory: no
35 # Range: 1-1000
36 # Default:
40 ### Option: zabbix.timeout
41 #    How long to wait for network operations.
42 #
43 # Mandatory: no
44 # Range: 1-30
45 # Default:
46 # TIMEOUT=3


 1 [root@localhost zabbix]# pwd
 2 /var/log/zabbix
 3 [root@localhost zabbix]# ll
 4 总用量 12900
 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 zabbix zabbix   19611 8月   2 09:05 zabbix_agentd.log
 6 -rw-rw-r-- 1 zabbix zabbix    9317 7月  28 15:02 zabbix_agentd.log-20180729
 7 -rw-r--r-- 1 zabbix zabbix  971813 8月   2 13:03 zabbix_java_gateway.log
 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 zabbix zabbix 5258240 8月   2 08:14 zabbix_java_gateway.log.1
 9 -rw-r--r-- 1 zabbix zabbix 5298249 8月   2 01:12 zabbix_java_gateway.log.2
10 -rw-rw-r-- 1 zabbix zabbix  514920 8月   2 13:04 zabbix_server.log
11 -rw-rw-r-- 1 zabbix zabbix  125159 7月  29 02:32 zabbix_server.log-20180729
12 [root@localhost zabbix]#


  vim /bin/catalina.sh


    export CATALINA_OPTS=”-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=12345 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=″

  另:如果需要启用JProfiler ,简单的方式是在后面追加-agentpath:/data/jprofiler10.1.2/bin/linux-x64/libjprofilerti.so=port=8849


  export CATALINA_OPTS=”-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=12345 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -agentpath:/data/jprofiler10.1.2/bin/linux-x64/libjprofilerti.so=port=8849″

  zabbix 监控模板tomcat-jvm 

   1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   2 <zabbix_export>
   3     <version>2.0</version>
   4     <date>2015-04-02T08:40:08Z</date>
   5     <groups>
   6         <group>
   7             <name>Templates</name>
   8         </group>
   9     </groups>
  10     <templates>
  11         <template>
  12             <template>JMX Templates</template>
  13             <name>JMX Templates</name>
  14             <groups>
  15                 <group>
  16                     <name>Templates</name>
  17                 </group>
  18             </groups>
  19             <applications>
  20                 <application>
  21                     <name>内存</name>
  22                 </application>
  23                 <application>
  24                     <name>内存池----堆</name>
  25                 </application>
  26                 <application>
  27                     <name>内存池-非堆</name>
  28                 </application>
  29                 <application>
  30                     <name>垃圾收集器</name>
  31                 </application>
  32                 <application>
  33                     <name>操作系统</name>
  34                 </application>
  35                 <application>
  36                     <name>类</name>
  37                 </application>
  38                 <application>
  39                     <name>线程</name>
  40                 </application>
  41                 <application>
  42                     <name>编辑</name>
  43                 </application>
  44                 <application>
  45                     <name>运行时间</name>
  46                 </application>
  47             </applications>
  48             <items>
  49                 <item>
  50                     <name>comp Accumulated time spent in compilation</name>
  51                     <type>16</type>
  52                     <snmp_community/>
  53                     <multiplier>1</multiplier>
  54                     <snmp_oid/>
  55                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Compilation",TotalCompilationTime]</key>
  56                     <delay>60</delay>
  57                     <history>7</history>
  58                     <trends>365</trends>
  59                     <status>0</status>
  60                     <value_type>0</value_type>
  61                     <allowed_hosts/>
  62                     <units>s</units>
  63                     <delta>0</delta>
  64                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
  65                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
  66                     <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel>
  67                     <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol>
  68                     <snmpv3_authpassphrase/>
  69                     <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol>
  70                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
  71                     <formula>0.001</formula>
  72                     <delay_flex/>
  73                     <params/>
  74                     <ipmi_sensor/>
  75                     <data_type>0</data_type>
  76                     <authtype>0</authtype>
  77                     <username/>
  78                     <password/>
  79                     <publickey/>
  80                     <privatekey/>
  81                     <port/>
  82                     <description/>
  83                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
  84                     <applications>
  85                         <application>
  86                             <name>编辑</name>
  87                         </application>
  88                     </applications>
  89                     <valuemap/>
  90                 </item>
  91                 <item>
  92                     <name>comp Name of the current JIT compiler</name>
  93                     <type>16</type>
  94                     <snmp_community/>
  95                     <multiplier>0</multiplier>
  96                     <snmp_oid/>
  97                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Compilation",Name]</key>
  98                     <delay>360</delay>
  99                     <history>7</history>
 100                     <trends>365</trends>
 101                     <status>0</status>
 102                     <value_type>1</value_type>
 103                     <allowed_hosts/>
 104                     <units/>
 105                     <delta>0</delta>
 106                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 107                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
 108                     <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel>
 109                     <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol>
 110                     <snmpv3_authpassphrase/>
 111                     <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol>
 112                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 113                     <formula>1</formula>
 114                     <delay_flex/>
 115                     <params/>
 116                     <ipmi_sensor/>
 117                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 118                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 119                     <username/>
 120                     <password/>
 121                     <publickey/>
 122                     <privatekey/>
 123                     <port/>
 124                     <description/>
 125                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 126                     <applications>
 127                         <application>
 128                             <name>编辑</name>
 129                         </application>
 130                     </applications>
 131                     <valuemap/>
 132                 </item>
 133                 <item>
 134                     <name>GC回收时间: PS MarkSweep收集所用时间</name>
 135                     <type>16</type>
 136                     <snmp_community/>
 137                     <multiplier>1</multiplier>
 138                     <snmp_oid/>
 139                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS MarkSweep",CollectionTime]</key>
 140                     <delay>60</delay>
 141                     <history>7</history>
 142                     <trends>365</trends>
 143                     <status>0</status>
 144                     <value_type>0</value_type>
 145                     <allowed_hosts/>
 146                     <units>s</units>
 147                     <delta>0</delta>
 148                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 149                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
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 151                     <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol>
 152                     <snmpv3_authpassphrase/>
 153                     <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol>
 154                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 155                     <formula>0.001</formula>
 156                     <delay_flex/>
 157                     <params/>
 158                     <ipmi_sensor/>
 159                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 160                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 161                     <username/>
 162                     <password/>
 163                     <publickey/>
 164                     <privatekey/>
 165                     <port/>
 166                     <description/>
 167                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 168                     <applications>
 169                         <application>
 170                             <name>垃圾收集器</name>
 171                         </application>
 172                     </applications>
 173                     <valuemap/>
 174                 </item>
 175                 <item>
 176                     <name>GC回收时间: PS MarkSweep每秒收集数量</name>
 177                     <type>16</type>
 178                     <snmp_community/>
 179                     <multiplier>0</multiplier>
 180                     <snmp_oid/>
 181                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS MarkSweep",CollectionCount]</key>
 182                     <delay>60</delay>
 183                     <history>7</history>
 184                     <trends>365</trends>
 185                     <status>0</status>
 186                     <value_type>0</value_type>
 187                     <allowed_hosts/>
 188                     <units/>
 189                     <delta>1</delta>
 190                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 191                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
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 196                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 197                     <formula>1</formula>
 198                     <delay_flex/>
 199                     <params/>
 200                     <ipmi_sensor/>
 201                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 202                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 203                     <username/>
 204                     <password/>
 205                     <publickey/>
 206                     <privatekey/>
 207                     <port/>
 208                     <description/>
 209                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 210                     <applications>
 211                         <application>
 212                             <name>垃圾收集器</name>
 213                         </application>
 214                     </applications>
 215                     <valuemap/>
 216                 </item>
 217                 <item>
 218                     <name>GC回收时间: PS Scavenge收集所用时间</name>
 219                     <type>16</type>
 220                     <snmp_community/>
 221                     <multiplier>1</multiplier>
 222                     <snmp_oid/>
 223                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS Scavenge",CollectionTime]</key>
 224                     <delay>60</delay>
 225                     <history>7</history>
 226                     <trends>365</trends>
 227                     <status>0</status>
 228                     <value_type>0</value_type>
 229                     <allowed_hosts/>
 230                     <units>s</units>
 231                     <delta>0</delta>
 232                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 233                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
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 238                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 239                     <formula>0.001</formula>
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 243                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 244                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 245                     <username/>
 246                     <password/>
 247                     <publickey/>
 248                     <privatekey/>
 249                     <port/>
 250                     <description/>
 251                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 252                     <applications>
 253                         <application>
 254                             <name>垃圾收集器</name>
 255                         </application>
 256                     </applications>
 257                     <valuemap/>
 258                 </item>
 259                 <item>
 260                     <name>GC回收时间: PS Scavenge每秒收集数量</name>
 261                     <type>16</type>
 262                     <snmp_community/>
 263                     <multiplier>0</multiplier>
 264                     <snmp_oid/>
 265                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS Scavenge",CollectionCount]</key>
 266                     <delay>60</delay>
 267                     <history>7</history>
 268                     <trends>365</trends>
 269                     <status>0</status>
 270                     <value_type>0</value_type>
 271                     <allowed_hosts/>
 272                     <units/>
 273                     <delta>1</delta>
 274                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 275                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
 276                     <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel>
 277                     <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol>
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 280                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 281                     <formula>1</formula>
 282                     <delay_flex/>
 283                     <params/>
 284                     <ipmi_sensor/>
 285                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 286                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 287                     <username/>
 288                     <password/>
 289                     <publickey/>
 290                     <privatekey/>
 291                     <port/>
 292                     <description/>
 293                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 294                     <applications>
 295                         <application>
 296                             <name>垃圾收集器</name>
 297                         </application>
 298                     </applications>
 299                     <valuemap/>
 300                 </item>
 301                 <item>
 302                     <name>JVM名称</name>
 303                     <type>16</type>
 304                     <snmp_community/>
 305                     <multiplier>0</multiplier>
 306                     <snmp_oid/>
 307                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Runtime",VmName]</key>
 308                     <delay>360</delay>
 309                     <history>7</history>
 310                     <trends>365</trends>
 311                     <status>0</status>
 312                     <value_type>1</value_type>
 313                     <allowed_hosts/>
 314                     <units/>
 315                     <delta>0</delta>
 316                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 317                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
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 319                     <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol>
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 322                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 323                     <formula>1</formula>
 324                     <delay_flex/>
 325                     <params/>
 326                     <ipmi_sensor/>
 327                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 328                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 329                     <username/>
 330                     <password/>
 331                     <publickey/>
 332                     <privatekey/>
 333                     <port/>
 334                     <description/>
 335                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 336                     <applications>
 337                         <application>
 338                             <name>运行时间</name>
 339                         </application>
 340                     </applications>
 341                     <valuemap/>
 342                 </item>
 343                 <item>
 344                     <name>JVM启动时间</name>
 345                     <type>16</type>
 346                     <snmp_community/>
 347                     <multiplier>1</multiplier>
 348                     <snmp_oid/>
 349                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Runtime",Uptime]</key>
 350                     <delay>60</delay>
 351                     <history>7</history>
 352                     <trends>365</trends>
 353                     <status>0</status>
 354                     <value_type>3</value_type>
 355                     <allowed_hosts/>
 356                     <units>uptime</units>
 357                     <delta>0</delta>
 358                     <snmpv3_contextname/>
 359                     <snmpv3_securityname/>
 360                     <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel>
 361                     <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol>
 362                     <snmpv3_authpassphrase/>
 363                     <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol>
 364                     <snmpv3_privpassphrase/>
 365                     <formula>0.001</formula>
 366                     <delay_flex/>
 367                     <params/>
 368                     <ipmi_sensor/>
 369                     <data_type>0</data_type>
 370                     <authtype>0</authtype>
 371                     <username/>
 372                     <password/>
 373                     <publickey/>
 374                     <privatekey/>
 375                     <port/>
 376                     <description/>
 377                     <inventory_link>0</inventory_link>
 378                     <applications>
 379                         <application>
 380                             <name>运行时间</name>
 381                         </application>
 382                     </applications>
 383                     <valuemap/>
 384                 </item>
 385                 <item>
 386                     <name>JVM版本</name>
 387                     <type>16</type>
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1056                 </item>
1057                 <item>
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1098                 </item>
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1140                 </item>
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1170                     <password/>
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1182                 </item>
1183                 <item>
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1212                     <password/>
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1220                             <name>类</name>
1221                         </application>
1222                     </applications>
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1224                 </item>
1225                 <item>
1226                     <name>应用所占系统CPU的百分比</name>
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1262                             <name>操作系统</name>
1263                         </application>
1264                     </applications>
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1266                 </item>
1267                 <item>
1268                     <name>未加载类的数量</name>
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1273                     <key>jmx["java.lang:type=ClassLoading",UnloadedClassCount]</key>
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1296                     <password/>
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1304                             <name>类</name>
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1306                     </applications>
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1308                 </item>
1309                 <item>
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1350                 </item>
1351                 <item>
1352                     <name>系统:可打开最大打开文件数</name>
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1375                     <params/>
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1392                 </item>
1393                 <item>
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1434                 </item>
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1476                 </item>
1477                 <item>
1478                     <name>被挂起的对象的计数</name>
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1518                 </item>
1519                 <item>
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1560                 </item>
1561                 <item>
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1602                 </item>
1603                 <item>
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1644                 </item>
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1650         </template>
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1652     <triggers>
1653         <trigger>
1654             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Runtime",VmName].str(Server)}#1</expression>
1655             <name>{HOST.NAME} runs suboptimal VM type</name>
1656             <url/>
1657             <status>0</status>
1658             <priority>1</priority>
1659             <description/>
1660             <type>0</type>
1661             <dependencies/>
1662         </trigger>
1663         <trigger>
1664             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS Scavenge",CollectionCount].last(0)}<{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS MarkSweep",CollectionCount].last(0)}</expression>
1665             <name>{HOST.NAME} Scavenge回收时间超过MarkSweep.</name>
1666             <url/>
1667             <status>0</status>
1668             <priority>3</priority>
1669             <description/>
1670             <type>0</type>
1671             <dependencies/>
1672         </trigger>
1673         <trigger>
1674             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Compilation",Name].str(Client)}=1</expression>
1675             <name>{HOST.NAME} uses suboptimal JIT compiler</name>
1676             <url/>
1677             <status>0</status>
1678             <priority>1</priority>
1679             <description/>
1680             <type>0</type>
1681             <dependencies/>
1682         </trigger>
1683         <trigger>
1684             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Runtime",Uptime].nodata(1m)}=1</expression>
1685             <name>{HOST.NAME} 不可达.</name>
1686             <url/>
1687             <status>0</status>
1688             <priority>3</priority>
1689             <description/>
1690             <type>0</type>
1691             <dependencies/>
1692         </trigger>
1693         <trigger>
1694             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.committed].last(0)}={JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.max].last(0)}</expression>
1695             <name>{HOST.NAME} 内存池中永久代(Perm Gen)提交值已达到最大限制.</name>
1696             <url/>
1697             <status>0</status>
1698             <priority>2</priority>
1699             <description/>
1700             <type>0</type>
1701             <dependencies/>
1702         </trigger>
1703         <trigger>
1704             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Code Cache",Usage.used].last(0)}>({JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Code Cache",Usage.max].last(0)}*0.7)</expression>
1705             <name>{HOST.NAME} 内存池中缓存节点(Code Cache)使用率超过70%</name>
1706             <url/>
1707             <status>0</status>
1708             <priority>3</priority>
1709             <description/>
1710             <type>0</type>
1711             <dependencies/>
1712         </trigger>
1713         <trigger>
1714             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Code Cache",Usage.committed].last(0)}={JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Code Cache",Usage.max].last(0)}</expression>
1715             <name>{HOST.NAME} 内存池中缓存节点(Code Cache)提交值达到最大限制.</name>
1716             <url/>
1717             <status>0</status>
1718             <priority>2</priority>
1719             <description/>
1720             <type>0</type>
1721             <dependencies/>
1722         </trigger>
1723         <trigger>
1724             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Old Gen",Usage.used].last(0)}>({JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Old Gen",Usage.max].last(0)}*0.7)</expression>
1725             <name>{HOST.NAME} 内存池中老生代(PS Old Gen)使用率超过70%.</name>
1726             <url/>
1727             <status>0</status>
1728             <priority>3</priority>
1729             <description/>
1730             <type>0</type>
1731             <dependencies/>
1732         </trigger>
1733         <trigger>
1734             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Old Gen",Usage.committed].last(0)}={JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Old Gen",Usage.max].last(0)}</expression>
1735             <name>{HOST.NAME} 内存池中老生代(PS Old Gen)提交值已达到最大限制.</name>
1736             <url/>
1737             <status>0</status>
1738             <priority>2</priority>
1739             <description/>
1740             <type>0</type>
1741             <dependencies/>
1742         </trigger>
1743         <trigger>
1744             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.used].last(0)}>({JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.max].last(0)}*0.7)</expression>
1745             <name>{HOST.NAME} 内存池永久代(PS Perm Gen)使用率超过70%.</name>
1746             <url/>
1747             <status>0</status>
1748             <priority>3</priority>
1749             <description/>
1750             <type>0</type>
1751             <dependencies/>
1752         </trigger>
1753         <trigger>
1754             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.used].last(0)}>({JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.max].last(0)}*0.7)</expression>
1755             <name>{HOST.NAME} 堆内存使用率超过70%</name>
1756             <url/>
1757             <status>0</status>
1758             <priority>3</priority>
1759             <description/>
1760             <type>0</type>
1761             <dependencies/>
1762         </trigger>
1763         <trigger>
1764             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.committed].last(0)}={JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.max].last(0)}</expression>
1765             <name>{HOST.NAME} 堆内存提交值达到最大限制.</name>
1766             <url/>
1767             <status>0</status>
1768             <priority>2</priority>
1769             <description/>
1770             <type>0</type>
1771             <dependencies/>
1772         </trigger>
1773         <trigger>
1774             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem",ProcessCpuLoad].last(0)}>50</expression>
1775             <name>{HOST.NAME} 当前应用使用率超过系统CPU的50%</name>
1776             <url/>
1777             <status>0</status>
1778             <priority>2</priority>
1779             <description/>
1780             <type>0</type>
1781             <dependencies/>
1782         </trigger>
1783         <trigger>
1784             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem",OpenFileDescriptorCount].last(0)}>({JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem",MaxFileDescriptorCount].last(0)}*0.5)</expression>
1785             <name>{HOST.NAME} 当前应用打开文件数已占用系统最大50%</name>
1786             <url/>
1787             <status>0</status>
1788             <priority>3</priority>
1789             <description/>
1790             <type>0</type>
1791             <dependencies/>
1792         </trigger>
1793         <trigger>
1794             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",NonHeapMemoryUsage.committed].last(0)}={JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",NonHeapMemoryUsage.max].last(0)}</expression>
1795             <name>{HOST.NAME} 非堆内存提交值达到最大限制.</name>
1796             <url/>
1797             <status>0</status>
1798             <priority>2</priority>
1799             <description/>
1800             <type>0</type>
1801             <dependencies/>
1802         </trigger>
1803         <trigger>
1804             <expression>{JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",NonHeapMemoryUsage.used].last(0)}>({JMX Templates:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",NonHeapMemoryUsage.max].last(0)}*0.7)</expression>
1805             <name>{HOST.NAME} 非堆内存池使用率超过70%</name>
1806             <url/>
1807             <status>0</status>
1808             <priority>3</priority>
1809             <description/>
1810             <type>0</type>
1811             <dependencies/>
1812         </trigger>
1813     </triggers>
1814     <graphs>
1815         <graph>
1816             <name>JVM垃圾回收时间详情</name>
1817             <width>900</width>
1818             <height>200</height>
1819             <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin>
1820             <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax>
1821             <show_work_period>1</show_work_period>
1822             <show_triggers>1</show_triggers>
1823             <type>0</type>
1824             <show_legend>1</show_legend>
1825             <show_3d>0</show_3d>
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1827             <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right>
1828             <ymin_type_1>0</ymin_type_1>
1829             <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1>
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1833                 <graph_item>
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1839                     <type>0</type>
1840                     <item>
1841                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1842                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS Scavenge",CollectionCount]</key>
1843                     </item>
1844                 </graph_item>
1845                 <graph_item>
1846                     <sortorder>1</sortorder>
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1851                     <type>0</type>
1852                     <item>
1853                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1854                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS MarkSweep",CollectionCount]</key>
1855                     </item>
1856                 </graph_item>
1857                 <graph_item>
1858                     <sortorder>2</sortorder>
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1864                     <item>
1865                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1866                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS MarkSweep",CollectionTime]</key>
1867                     </item>
1868                 </graph_item>
1869                 <graph_item>
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1876                     <item>
1877                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1878                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=PS Scavenge",CollectionTime]</key>
1879                     </item>
1880                 </graph_item>
1881             </graph_items>
1882         </graph>
1883         <graph>
1884             <name>JVM堆内存使用情况</name>
1885             <width>900</width>
1886             <height>200</height>
1887             <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin>
1888             <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax>
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1890             <show_triggers>1</show_triggers>
1891             <type>0</type>
1892             <show_legend>1</show_legend>
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1895             <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right>
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1897             <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1>
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1901                 <graph_item>
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1906                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
1907                     <type>0</type>
1908                     <item>
1909                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1910                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.max]</key>
1911                     </item>
1912                 </graph_item>
1913                 <graph_item>
1914                     <sortorder>1</sortorder>
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1917                     <yaxisside>0</yaxisside>
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1919                     <type>0</type>
1920                     <item>
1921                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1922                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.committed]</key>
1923                     </item>
1924                 </graph_item>
1925                 <graph_item>
1926                     <sortorder>2</sortorder>
1927                     <drawtype>0</drawtype>
1928                     <color>00CC00</color>
1929                     <yaxisside>0</yaxisside>
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1931                     <type>0</type>
1932                     <item>
1933                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1934                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.used]</key>
1935                     </item>
1936                 </graph_item>
1937             </graph_items>
1938         </graph>
1939         <graph>
1940             <name>JVM的线程</name>
1941             <width>900</width>
1942             <height>200</height>
1943             <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin>
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1952             <ymin_type_1>0</ymin_type_1>
1953             <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1>
1954             <ymin_item_1>0</ymin_item_1>
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1961                     <yaxisside>0</yaxisside>
1962                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
1963                     <type>0</type>
1964                     <item>
1965                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1966                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Threading",PeakThreadCount]</key>
1967                     </item>
1968                 </graph_item>
1969                 <graph_item>
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1975                     <type>0</type>
1976                     <item>
1977                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1978                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Threading",DaemonThreadCount]</key>
1979                     </item>
1980                 </graph_item>
1981                 <graph_item>
1982                     <sortorder>2</sortorder>
1983                     <drawtype>0</drawtype>
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1987                     <type>0</type>
1988                     <item>
1989                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
1990                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Threading",ThreadCount]</key>
1991                     </item>
1992                 </graph_item>
1993                 <graph_item>
1994                     <sortorder>3</sortorder>
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1999                     <type>0</type>
2000                     <item>
2001                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2002                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Threading",TotalStartedThreadCount]</key>
2003                     </item>
2004                 </graph_item>
2005             </graph_items>
2006         </graph>
2007         <graph>
2008             <name>JVM非堆内存使用情况</name>
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2010             <height>200</height>
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2017             <show_3d>0</show_3d>
2018             <percent_left>0.0000</percent_left>
2019             <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right>
2020             <ymin_type_1>0</ymin_type_1>
2021             <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1>
2022             <ymin_item_1>0</ymin_item_1>
2023             <ymax_item_1>0</ymax_item_1>
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2030                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
2031                     <type>0</type>
2032                     <item>
2033                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2034                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",NonHeapMemoryUsage.max]</key>
2035                     </item>
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2037                 <graph_item>
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2042                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
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2044                     <item>
2045                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2053                     <yaxisside>0</yaxisside>
2054                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
2055                     <type>0</type>
2056                     <item>
2057                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2058                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",NonHeapMemoryUsage.used]</key>
2059                     </item>
2060                 </graph_item>
2061             </graph_items>
2062         </graph>
2063         <graph>
2064             <name>内存池中新生代(Eden Space)视图</name>
2065             <width>900</width>
2066             <height>200</height>
2067             <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin>
2068             <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax>
2069             <show_work_period>1</show_work_period>
2070             <show_triggers>1</show_triggers>
2071             <type>0</type>
2072             <show_legend>1</show_legend>
2073             <show_3d>0</show_3d>
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2075             <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right>
2076             <ymin_type_1>0</ymin_type_1>
2077             <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1>
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2086                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
2087                     <type>0</type>
2088                     <item>
2089                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2090                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Eden Space",Usage.used]</key>
2091                     </item>
2092                 </graph_item>
2093                 <graph_item>
2094                     <sortorder>1</sortorder>
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2098                     <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc>
2099                     <type>0</type>
2100                     <item>
2101                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2102                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Eden Space",Usage.committed]</key>
2103                     </item>
2104                 </graph_item>
2105                 <graph_item>
2106                     <sortorder>2</sortorder>
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2111                     <type>0</type>
2112                     <item>
2113                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2114                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Eden Space",Usage.max]</key>
2115                     </item>
2116                 </graph_item>
2117             </graph_items>
2118         </graph>
2119         <graph>
2120             <name>内存池中永久代(Perm Gen)视图</name>
2121             <width>900</width>
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2123             <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin>
2124             <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax>
2125             <show_work_period>1</show_work_period>
2126             <show_triggers>1</show_triggers>
2127             <type>0</type>
2128             <show_legend>1</show_legend>
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2130             <percent_left>0.0000</percent_left>
2131             <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right>
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2133             <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1>
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2135             <ymax_item_1>0</ymax_item_1>
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2144                     <item>
2145                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2146                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.committed]</key>
2147                     </item>
2148                 </graph_item>
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2156                     <item>
2157                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2158                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.max]</key>
2159                     </item>
2160                 </graph_item>
2161                 <graph_item>
2162                     <sortorder>2</sortorder>
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2169                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
2170                         <key>jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen",Usage.used]</key>
2171                     </item>
2172                 </graph_item>
2173             </graph_items>
2174         </graph>
2175         <graph>
2176             <name>内存池中缓存点(Code Cache)视图</name>
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2227                     </item>
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2232             <name>内存池中老年代(Old Gen)视图</name>
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2288             <name>堆内存使用详情</name>
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2344             <name>打开文件数详情</name>
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2412                     <item>
2413                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2415                     </item>
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2425                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2437                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2439                     </item>
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2441             </graph_items>
2442         </graph>
2443         <graph>
2444             <name>非堆内存使用详情</name>
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2469                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2471                     </item>
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2479                     <type>0</type>
2480                     <item>
2481                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2483                     </item>
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2492                     <item>
2493                         <host>JMX Templates</host>
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2495                     </item>
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2500 </zabbix_export>


  zabbix 监控MySQL,使用默认模板无数据。以后再看


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